Monday, October 03, 2005

holideck lounge

holideck lounge
Originally uploaded by p2son.
I took this photo as a sipped my gin and tonic and read the Guardian. Nice way to wait for a flight, eh?

The Holideck will now be known as my official London offfice. For more pics, click on the photo.
Oh, I LOVE the many wild flavors of potato chips (or crisps) they have in the UK. I mean wild, not just salt and vinegar. We have prawn cocktail, thai chicken, smoky bacon and my favorite--roasted lamb with mint sauce (yummy AND vegan friendly).


At 10:42 AM , Blogger Willie Hewes said...

OK, so you have roasted lamb and mint sauce crisps that are vegan, and you're not the slightest bit alarmed by this?

Me, I eat salted crisps only. I don't trust all those other weird-*** flavours. And salted with salt, too, none of that MSG stuff on my snackfood.

Prawn cocktail indeed. It's just not right, man!

At 11:00 AM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

Willie, I guess you don't know about the "don't ask, don't tell" vegan policy of snack foods. If I don't see cream dripping off of it or hunks of meat sticking out of it, I don't ask.

Of course living for years as an "ex-gay" with constant same-sex desires (and multiple stumbles) is something like being a vegan eating Roasted Lamb crisps. I'm still "technically" a vegan. :-)

At 1:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, those do sound good. The flavors aren't that weird. I still remember the musk-flavored LifeSavers I found in Australia. Yes, I said "musk". Anyway to get some of those delightful tasty treats down here to Memphis.

At 10:36 PM , Blogger Jennifer said...

Holideck Lounge is a traveler's dream come true for airport venues. Alas, I was never in Terminal 4 at Heathrow, I had the opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere of Terminal 3, sitting right next to a duty free shop where I found some Earl Grey and marmalade to bring home with me, and across and next to two stores with really expensive clothing and shoes. By coincidence, I ended up meeting a fellow New England Quaker (Kara Price)
when I got down to my gate at A17. I would have loved to be somewhere like the Holideck Lounge while waiting for my flight to be shown as "boarding" on the overhead monitors. Instead, I spent my time doing some reading and people-watching, which are both always interesting activities to participate in.

At 1:32 PM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

Jennifer, it sure was my travel dream! I will have to work in another trip some time just for the Holideck.

At 1:34 PM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

Jeff, yuck. But you have always been strange and that is what makes you so endearing. I'll never forget the first time we went to Central Church while we were in LIA and you were dressed like you were going to safari. I know you were challenged for your suit and hat, but looking back, it was the perfect attire for the jungle we call the church.

At 2:40 PM , Blogger Contemplative Activist said...

I told you about the white stilton and apricot flavour crisps (chips...whatever) I saw in our local supermarket.

Anyway, roasted onion and balsamic vinegar always gets my vote!

At 9:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess that BBQ Creamcheese Cake you want isn't so weird after all???


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